.. _logging: Logging ========== Minoshiro logs errors and debug information via the `logging `_ Python module. The library comes with a basic logger that prints to ``STDERR``. It is strongly recommended you log to a log file in addition to printing to ``STDERR``. Configuration of the logger can be as simple as: .. code-block:: python3 from logging import FileHandler, Formatter from minoshiro import get_default_logger logger = get_default_logger() file_handler = FileHandler(filename='my_log_file.log') file_handler.setFormatter( Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s') ) logger.addHandler(file_handler) More advance setups are possible with the `logging `_ module. You can configure the logger to your liking as such: .. code-block:: python3 from logging import getLogger import minoshiro my_logger = getLogger('minoshiro') ... And finally, if you already have a logger set up in your application, you can simply use the existing logger instead of the one provided by the library.